Saturday, 15 June 2013




How to lead a life of purposeful in our short span.  This is what traverses the mind of the common man to millionaires via the monks and ministers.  Everybody thinks that ,  what  he/she  thinks is the most useful way of making life purposeful.  The common man never finds time to think and ponder.  The millionaire is everbusy in making his money grow bigger and bigger.  The  Saints /Seers are ever busy delivering sermons of how to make like purposeful or useful.  Sometimes they themselves are prisoners of  their own teachings.  It is very difficult to practice one ounce of a thing  , but very easy to preaches tonnes  of good and ideal things.  At the end of the day, people can never come out of their own self , which manifests from the day one. 
          The alluring world never leaves any body untouched.   Even the most idealistic people have been tempted to sway from the chooses path.  If that happens for a moment , You would never be the same again.  It may take years and decades of hard work and concentration to become a Yogi or Saint, but few minutes to loose your hard earned spiritual powers , by way of misuse or for immoral purpose. 
          Is the World real or unreal.  The answer is a clear no , the world is just an image of which does not exist . What the world sees as real is unreal and what the world knows as unreal is real in fact.  Can anyone ever know exactly as to , what happens in the  next few  minutes.  The answer is a clear no.  If this is so , why is that Saints and Yogis could foretell as  what would happen after 100 years.  This is due to the fact that,  only the five universal elements of earth , sky ,  air , water  and  fire  control the destiny of this earth.  Anything that has happened in the past, which is happening now and which will happen in future is inevitably with the foreknowledge of these universal elements.  If you could gain mastery of control over any one elements , the rest will follow you.  It is not that mastery over the universal elements is required for knowing things before hand,  but even a human being who has suppressed /controlled the inner self and his senses may be able to know things before hand.   The reasons being Speech , which is special to human species.
          Speech is for communicating things between human beings. But how the energy is used differs from individual to individual .  A person may be talking from morning to night uninterrupted , but of no purpose or use.  Another person may be sparingly using his vocal cord , in a day.  Does that mean speaking less  and less makes anything extra ordinary.  Of course the answer is clearly yes.  Reason being the precious energy / gifted power is used for making our energy levels either normal or on par with the nature.  This is explained that , Animals who have no faculty compared to speech, though they inevitably have a sense of communication among themselves, is not equivalent to speech.  Thus the energy saved this way by animals or other living things helps them to level their energy levels on par with the universal elements sometimes , though not always.   This is experienced in natural calamities or destructions.   Even a snake or other burrowing animals which are few feet below the ground can sense earthquakes or disturbances, just few hours before the disaster , but not human beings

 Human beings heavily rely on modern technology for communication to every purpose of life.   But the Saints / Yogis of the earlier not only communicated with their counter part in any part of the world using telepathy and transported themselves or any body  through teleport.   How could this happen is beyond scientific reasons or analysis. 

          The human beings of today are scientifically so advanced as to accomplish all things at touch of a simple button, but cannot control even their tongue or thought.   Nature can  never be mastered even 1000 years hence.  The fact being that what is  seen and looks real is unreal and what is real cannot be seen, felt and touched  with the normal senses.  The fact being that the senses which are a combination of the universal elements can never be mastered.  They can only be tamed.  And herein comes the Spirit or Soul , which is behind all the drama of the world.  But it can never take part in worldly actions, but the living things cannot exist without Soul.  Conclusion being Soul  which is a part of the Universal Soul can never be seen, felt or touched by living things though it still resides in them.   The Computer runs on power , yet Power  cannot be seen  , felt or touched , but only experienced. But the Yogis can experience the Soul. The reasons the Yogis /Saint are a part of the Cosmic scale , though on a different footing .

          If so,  whether Soul or life or one and same or are they different?  Wait and watch here. 


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